Tuesday, April 8, 2014

To the complainers...

Dear Complainers,

Once again, we have reached that time of year when you feel it's necessary to complain that I'm being sent to Eurofurence and you're not. What you don't realize is that your complaints are born out of quite a few things you're not aware of. So listen up and let me edumacate you bitches.

1). The fact that you complain about me being sent to this one, single convention every year seems a bit ridiculous since I'm sent to between 10 and 15 conventions every single year. And it's not just me. Nearly every major performer has been given travel expenses to every convention, every year since the very first furry convention in history! It has literally always been this way. This is how you get your entertainment at a furry convention.

Do you really believe that Matt Ebel, Bucktown Tiger, Fox Amoore, Uncle Kage, or anyone has the financial means to fly all over the damn world a couple dozen times a year? When members at an event want to see a performer or an appearance from someone, the event brings them there. This isn't some kind of secret, it's just the way the business works, has always worked and will always continue to work in entertainment, regardless of genre or venue. Complaining because one convention of one genre is doing this for one person is like complaining that one company is giving one of their employees health benefits and nothing to you, even though you don't work there!

2). Eurofurence is NOT bringing me there. They're the only convention that doesn't! Why? Because of you. The complainers. Because of your complaints, Eurofurence has determined that it isn't right to help me out with travelling there (and I completely understand their reasoning. I love and support them completely). So as a result of YOUR complaints, if people want to see me perform there, they have to donate money to me out of their own pockets which you are now also complaining about!

YOU caused this result. Don't tell me that I'm "abusing power" or "forcing others to pay for my laziness", this is YOUR doing. Crying crocodile tears for the poor people who're having to pay my way to Eurofurence is just insulting since you're the ones who pushed this expense on them in the first place. I care deeply about my fans. You don't.

3). "If you can't afford to go, then you should stay home like everyone else." I completely agree. And I absolutely cannot afford to go. And I accept that. And when furries start asking me if I will make it to Eurofurence, I say that I can't. And when they decide they want to see me perform there anyway, those wonderful people throw in whatever they can to get me there so I can perform for them. What you're suggesting is that even in this case, I should refuse to go! They're already having to pay to get me there, now you want me to slap them across the face and tell them I refuse to go? That's too rude and insulting for me to even imagine doing to people who want to see my shows! Congratulations, you are far more heartless than I could ever be.

4) Another point you're missing is that you're going there to have fun. I'm going there to work so that you can have fun! I'm not going to EF to be on vacation. The last time I was there, I worked between 9 and 12 hours a day for the convention. I probably got 10 hours of sleep in that whole week. I nearly killed myself! And I ask for no pay whatsoever. I did it so that I could donate my time to help others have a fun weekend. You get to see me on stage and in panels, but what you don't get to see is me in front of a word processor for weeks prior to the convention writing material or me carrying boxes and moving equipment out to the trucks after the con is over. This is the difference between people who are paying to be entertained, and people like the performers, volunteers and staff who are busting their asses to entertain you.

So honestly, why are you complaining? Be honest, are you even going to Eurofurence? Would you ever be bothered to work there the whole weekend? Or are you just sitting around and piss-moaning from afar because you believe I'm snatching up other people's spare change so I can fly to Europe and sit around in a beach chair with a fucking umbrella drink or something?

From my heart, I truly am sorry that not everyone can make it to a convention they'd like to go to. It's gotta be frustrating to have to struggle so much to go to a convention and then see a fundraiser to get someone else to one. If it were up to me, everyone would go to whatever fur cons they'd like! But unfortunately that can't happen. Are you really saying that if you can't go, then the people who *can* go shouldn't get the entertainment they want while they're there just because it upsets you to see the entertainers getting help to go?

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