Tuesday, April 8, 2014

To the complainers...

Dear Complainers,

Once again, we have reached that time of year when you feel it's necessary to complain that I'm being sent to Eurofurence and you're not. What you don't realize is that your complaints are born out of quite a few things you're not aware of. So listen up and let me edumacate you bitches.

1). The fact that you complain about me being sent to this one, single convention every year seems a bit ridiculous since I'm sent to between 10 and 15 conventions every single year. And it's not just me. Nearly every major performer has been given travel expenses to every convention, every year since the very first furry convention in history! It has literally always been this way. This is how you get your entertainment at a furry convention.

Do you really believe that Matt Ebel, Bucktown Tiger, Fox Amoore, Uncle Kage, or anyone has the financial means to fly all over the damn world a couple dozen times a year? When members at an event want to see a performer or an appearance from someone, the event brings them there. This isn't some kind of secret, it's just the way the business works, has always worked and will always continue to work in entertainment, regardless of genre or venue. Complaining because one convention of one genre is doing this for one person is like complaining that one company is giving one of their employees health benefits and nothing to you, even though you don't work there!

2). Eurofurence is NOT bringing me there. They're the only convention that doesn't! Why? Because of you. The complainers. Because of your complaints, Eurofurence has determined that it isn't right to help me out with travelling there (and I completely understand their reasoning. I love and support them completely). So as a result of YOUR complaints, if people want to see me perform there, they have to donate money to me out of their own pockets which you are now also complaining about!

YOU caused this result. Don't tell me that I'm "abusing power" or "forcing others to pay for my laziness", this is YOUR doing. Crying crocodile tears for the poor people who're having to pay my way to Eurofurence is just insulting since you're the ones who pushed this expense on them in the first place. I care deeply about my fans. You don't.

3). "If you can't afford to go, then you should stay home like everyone else." I completely agree. And I absolutely cannot afford to go. And I accept that. And when furries start asking me if I will make it to Eurofurence, I say that I can't. And when they decide they want to see me perform there anyway, those wonderful people throw in whatever they can to get me there so I can perform for them. What you're suggesting is that even in this case, I should refuse to go! They're already having to pay to get me there, now you want me to slap them across the face and tell them I refuse to go? That's too rude and insulting for me to even imagine doing to people who want to see my shows! Congratulations, you are far more heartless than I could ever be.

4) Another point you're missing is that you're going there to have fun. I'm going there to work so that you can have fun! I'm not going to EF to be on vacation. The last time I was there, I worked between 9 and 12 hours a day for the convention. I probably got 10 hours of sleep in that whole week. I nearly killed myself! And I ask for no pay whatsoever. I did it so that I could donate my time to help others have a fun weekend. You get to see me on stage and in panels, but what you don't get to see is me in front of a word processor for weeks prior to the convention writing material or me carrying boxes and moving equipment out to the trucks after the con is over. This is the difference between people who are paying to be entertained, and people like the performers, volunteers and staff who are busting their asses to entertain you.

So honestly, why are you complaining? Be honest, are you even going to Eurofurence? Would you ever be bothered to work there the whole weekend? Or are you just sitting around and piss-moaning from afar because you believe I'm snatching up other people's spare change so I can fly to Europe and sit around in a beach chair with a fucking umbrella drink or something?

From my heart, I truly am sorry that not everyone can make it to a convention they'd like to go to. It's gotta be frustrating to have to struggle so much to go to a convention and then see a fundraiser to get someone else to one. If it were up to me, everyone would go to whatever fur cons they'd like! But unfortunately that can't happen. Are you really saying that if you can't go, then the people who *can* go shouldn't get the entertainment they want while they're there just because it upsets you to see the entertainers getting help to go?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Blaming the victims of the victims.


There's that word again. Did you feel something when you read it? Perhaps anger? Maybe resentment at the owner of the fingers that tapped the keys that formed it? I'm finding lately that this is often the case. I can intone this simple collection of sounds in a vacuum, with no other context at all, and it takes mere seconds for someone to respond with, "How DARE you!"

"Rape" is becoming a swear word.

Rape has been an issue for a very long time. It isn't a trending new atrocity that we'll see in the current events section of your local society magazine along with the brand of energy drink teenagers are cooking down and injecting into their eyeballs to get the most recent version of a drug trip. Societies have been concerned with the act of rape in different countries for hundreds of years. Rape is not new.

What *is* new is the aforementioned over-sensitivity to the concept, along with a disturbing new nonchalance in slapping people with "rapist" and "rape supporter" accusations like they were handing out protest flyers. One must merely *question* the nature of rape to be suspect. McCarthy has been resurrected and now stands in continual judgement of sexual integrity. But be careful not to say this too loudly or you too may be labeled a communis.... pardon me, a "rapist".

So, what changed? Why are people now stomping up, red-faced, spraying anime tears to any male who has a functioning penis to yell "rapist" at them? They didn't used to do that. Has the definition of "rapist" changed?

No sane person supports rape. No one ever has! And no one blames the victims of rape for what happened to them. In fact, it's impossible to consider a victim to be at fault! That's what "victim" means. A person can only direct fault at someone *another* person considers to be a victim, whereas they themselves do not. A "victim" is greatly open to interpretation. "Rape" is a sexual act that is forced on another person. The meaning of rape isn't open much to interpretation. It hasn't changed. What *has* changed is the meaning of *"victim"*.

This disappointing new social finger-pointing shit-parade isn't about rapists or victims or "apologists". It's about entitlement.

Not too long ago, a victim was something people didn't want to be. People who suffered tragedies like disease, physical violence or disasters most often didn't discuss them and they certainly didn't announce them. They were hard times that a person viewed as hurdles in life to overcome and conquer in the fight to regain a normal existence. Often, a person's ability to climb past being a victim helped define him.

Unfortunately, the children of these people noticed how victims were treated differently. Victims get extra attention. They get patted on the back and coddled. Victims are forgiven for social blunders, rudeness and inappropriate behavior that others aren't. Victims are special, non-victims are not.

Now, instead of being defined by how you move past being a victim, people are defining themselves by what they're a victim of. Being a victim isn't only desirable, it's sought after! People are lining up to be considered victims of anything that has a wide and ambiguous enough definition that they can squeeze between its margins in whatever way possible. Look at autism. A "disease" of which almost anything can be a symptom, of which almost anything can be the cause and of which there is no cure. It is a disease which practically anyone on Earth can have to some degree. Is it any wonder that every neglected, attention starved teenager is wearing it on their sleeve as though it were a fucking medal?

The problem with rape accusation isn't that there are more rapists or people who support rape, it's that a rape *victim* could be anything from someone who was raped, to someone who might have just *thought* they were going to be raped. Young people are being indoctrinated into the horse shit idea that rape is what happens when someone decides at any time that a sexual encounter they had wasn't exactly what they wanted, whether or not it was consensual at the time. People are so desperate to derive the awards of being a victim, they will invent the culprit. A victim could be anyone or anything at any time. And under these conditions anyone who questions the validity of any crime is "blaming the victim".

So, why does it matter? Because simply, being accused of a sexually driven crime or supporting sex criminals is one of the most destructive and devastating things that can happen to a person. When the accused is actually a sex criminal, then this effect is well-earned. However, the new fad in fashionable self-martyrdom has people slinging this accusation at people who've really done nothing wrong. And this is one of the most grossly abhorrent things that someone can do to another person. It's not just "guilty until proven innocent", it's "guilty until and even if proven innocent".

In short, I'm not speaking out against rape victims. I'm speaking out in support of the falsely accused. I don't support rape and I don't blame the victims. I simply reject your abominably self-serving, shit-brained definition of what a victim is in the first place. Rape isn't something that happens when a woman gets drunk and has irresponsible sex with someone, then decides a month later it was a bad idea. Rape isn't what happens when someone decides their ex is a bad person and was raping them the whole time. Rape isn't what happens when a person is so ashamed of someone they had sex with, that saying it was rape absolves their personal fucking integrity. Rape is being physically forced or coerced into a sexual act, period. Rape is not a negative emotional evaluation of a sexual experience. And as long as I am accused of supporting rape for saying what I just said, I will continue to invite my accusers to go fuck themselves.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Why I Will Not Be Leaving Furaffinity.

Because of some recent drama in the furry fandom, people have been asking me if I will be leaving Furaffinity and what I think about the whole situation. I've been trying to bite my tongue and avoid going into detail about what I think, but as more and more people are bringing up the subject, saying something about it seems unavoidable. So, this is my response...

Once upon a time, I found a nice little fandom that had a lot of misunderstood people in it. They were called furries. And I watched as mobs of unfathomably ignorant fuckballs pointed and cast judgement on these people without even knowing the first thing about them. They called them animal fuckers, perverts, sexual deviants and sometimes even child molesters. They fired furry employees, disowned them from their families and went about making their lives as much of a hell as possible just for being who they were. They had no proof, no evidence, no reason to believe the furries were these dangerously twisted people. The vast majority of them had never even met a furry or talked with one. However, if you confronted them with their lack of any actual data on the subject, their reply was that they "saw it on the news", or "watched it on CSI" or "read it on the internet", therefore it must be true. Thus, without knowing a thing about the furries they were judging, they continued to judge them relentlessly for the simple reason that they wanted to, without giving one single, minute shit about whom it may be hurting or if it was even the truth. And, as we quickly discovered, nothing we said or did would ever change their minds. They had turned into bullshit-babbling, sub-slime douchepots.  

Seeing the way the furries were treated, I wanted to defend them from the brainless prejudice of the ignorant masses, and it was a job I very much enjoyed doing. So why is it that now, years later, I find myself defending others from the furries who have hence become the exact same bullshit-babbling, sub-slime douchepots?

I have now seen 4 people I know within the fandom being accused of horrendous crimes with no shread of proof or evidence. In all cases, there were no police reports filed, no physical evidence, no witnessess. Yet the mob of furries with torches and pitchforks would rather have a monster to shout at than to take two seconds to give a single squirt of piss about the fact that they know nothing about the person being accused or what the truth actually is. Twitchfox's e-mail about DerpMoo's blog regarding the coversation his friend PigBonk overheard between MonkeeD1ck and StumpFuck recalling that girl they knew who dated a guy who used to know the ex-girlfriend of the person in question is enough evidence for them, so they'll continue to judge.

This unmitigated, baseless hatred is what I fought against when furries were in its crosshairs and the same furries are now using it against their own kind. And now, they're intent on showing their disgust for one of these dreamed up monsters by leaving the largest furry art web site in the world.

So, what I think of this situation?

The great majority of furries have taken this steaming pile of drama at face value and have long since shrugged it off. The biggest part of the fandom is the fun, creative, mostly-happy fandom it usually is. However, there is still a small portion of bullshit-babbling, sub-slime douchepots. And now they're getting up and walking away! So... where's the bad news? If every brainless idiot in your town stood up and said, "We're morons! So we're going to another town!"... how would this not be the best day ever? ...(except for the other town, of course.)

So my answer is I will absolutely NOT be leaving FA! And I fully encourage anyone who can actually be confident in their right to judge a person based on drama-generated, internet horse shit to please, go ahead and jump ship. I've been looking for a way to seperate furries from idiot furries for years. It'll save me a lot of trouble if you just did it yourselves. Make your own site and keep your bullshit faux activism entertainment over there. I'll even liscence www.bullshit-babbling-sub-slime-douchepots.com to you so the rest of us can know to avoid it.

As a final note: I'm completely aware that the retards perpetuating this drama will likely point to selected phrases and half-sentences in this blog and say, "SEEEEEE?!?!?!! Proof that 2 Gryphon supports RAPE! And hates all women! And cheats on his taxes and..... I dunno... gargles with the minty sperm of the nearly-extinct, green beaked tit moose, or something. And to you, I say the same thing that I do to the people who judge YOU as FURRIES based on nothing more than their need to be entertained by the newest bullshit, self-rightious crusade... 

Gobble my fucking balls! Like... right now. Just gobble them. And make a noise like "blublublublublu" when you do it. It will amuse me. I will record it and use it as a sample in my new DJ mix called, "The Sounds Of Stoopid". I'll make kerbillions.

There. I've said my peace. Now, back to real life...